Jump-in / Quick-Join Matchmaking

Jump-in / Quick-Join Matchmaking

In order to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted gaming experience on Esportal, we have implemented a series of measures to address various scenarios that may arise during a match.

If, for any reason, a player fails to join the game at the designated start time, the warmup period will automatically be extended for an additional 3 minutes. This extension is put in place to allow a new player an opportunity to connect and prevent any unnecessary interruptions to the match. During this extended warmup period, the game will be listed on the Esportal webpage as "Quick-Join."

The "Quick-Join" feature enables any player who meets the necessary requirements to join the match and fill the vacant seat. This ensures that the match can proceed with a full roster and provides a fair playing field for all participants. If no player joins within the 3-minute extension, the match will be cancelled to avoid any imbalances or disadvantages caused by an incomplete team.

In the event that a player disconnects during the match or if a team decides to kick one of their own players, the match lobby will once again be displayed on the Esportal webpage as "Quick-Join." This allows another player to step in as a stand-in and fill the vacant spot, ensuring that the match can continue without any major disruptions.

It's important to note that if a player joins the game as a stand-in, their Elo rating will not be affected in case of a loss. However, if the team emerges victorious, the stand-in player will be rewarded with Elo points. This approach encourages participation and fair gameplay while ensuring that stand-in players are appropriately recognized for their contributions to a winning team.

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